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Newtown Choral Society
Contact Us
NCS People
Mary Andreotta, Director
​Mary has been involved with the Newtown Choral Society since 1987 as a member and treasurer and as Director since 1998. Mary has her Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and is a CPA. In 1998 she earned her Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance from Western Connecticut State University. She taught voice and piano, directed a church choir, and performed in a number of recitals. Mary recently retired from her career at BBU. She lives with her family in Newtown. 

Phil Crevier, Accompanist 
We welcome Phil Crevier back to the Choral Society--he last accompanied us for our 2002-2003 season. Phil is also in his 27th year as organist/pianist at Newtown's Congregational Church and he was a member of the new England New Music Ensemble from 2015-2019.
Phil graduated from Trinity College in Hartford with a BA in music and computer science. He served as organist at various central Connecticut churches before moving to Newtown with his family in 1995.

Our Board
Laura E. Lerman, President
Peg Heetmann, Treasurer
Nancy Dvorin, Social Media
Dick Zang, Historian
The Chorus

Jessica Andreotta
Patsy Beddoe-Stephens
Martha Crebbin
Pam Hein
Denise Kaiser
Maureen Kelly
Arline Shanley
Marlene Whitney
Deborra Zukowski

Nancy Crevier
Peg Heetmann
Karen Jackson
Laura Lerman
Caroline Midgette
Julian Smith

​Dan Coffman
Nancy Dvorin
Benjamin Ismail
Jeff Jackson
Chuck Magoulas
Lori McHugh

Peter Andrews
Seth Davis
Jonathan Gamble
Sal Martone
Paul Partelow
Keith Roberts
Dick Zang